8 Things We Should Know About: Sherwin Yao

A person who has a good advocacy is a person that should matter. Like Sherwin Yao, One of the candidates of Mr. and Ms. Chinatown 2016, an advocate of anti-bullying. As part of his advocacy, He teaches self-defense using martial arts primarily Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in JAB (Juan Against Bullying). Another thing about Sherwin is that he is actually the brother of one of the candidates of Mr. and Ms. Chinatown 2013 Francis Yao, who I actually supported when this blog was still inspirationbyjmching.

Lets get to know more of Sherwin Yao as he shares 8 things we should know about him.

The man whose life taught him self awareness, understanding of self, ignited his passion for martial arts.

 He trains at Project Lifestyle Manila, the Ortigas branch of team Deftac-Ribeiro. Has competed in a lot of BJJ tournaments, including the Asian Open held in Tokyo last year. www.projectlifestylemanila.com

 He teaches self-defense as part of Juan Against Bullying's anti bullying advocacy. Check out their instagram @jabPh and their website Jab.PH

 He once appeared as an extra in an episode of TV5's Wattpad, and is excited to explore the industry further. Joining Mr Chinatown being the first step to this endeavor.

 He loves exploring nature, jumping falls and hiking - Mt. Batulao, Mt. Romelo, Mt. Gulugod Baboy, Mt. Pamintinan, Mt Tagapo are some of the local mountains he had climbed.

More than his physique and looks,  Sherwin proves that he is a man that has an advocacy to stop bullying in his own ways that many of us is facing. 

Follow Sherwin Yao on instagram @yaosherwin

and support him in his journey in Mr. & Ms. Chinatown Philippines 2016

(Photo Credit to Its Owner)



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