PhFW Holiday 2014 Best of the Best: Veejay Floresca

Its really refreshing when I saw the Holiday collection of Veejay Floresca, I honestly don't know why, or maybe because I'm used to see gowns whenever I hear her name because Veejay's gown are really amazing and a must have I believe. I find his collection more wearable than the others and also the vibes of it is like what I love which is Street Style. Mix of fabrics, prints and texture for coats, dresses, shorts, skirts etc.. Colors of brown black then some metallic gold and silver, yellow and red makes it more inviting and appealing. I'd never been so excited before to see what's next from Veejay, but After I saw the Holiday Collection of Veejay, I must say it will be actually it is a must see collection every season and that makes me put Veejay Floresca  On my List of PhFW Holiday 2014 Best of the Best. 

See more of the Veejay Floresca Collection



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