PhFW Holiday 2014 Best of the Best: Jian Lasala

If the cops in the country will wear such as the Holiday Collection of Jian Lasala
I believe many of or cops will do something with their body to look ultra hot and fit yet look
So respectable with their new uniform if ever. Jian Lasala never failed to showcase his aesthetics. Which is well tailored for both his menswear and womenswear. Many might not appreciate it because some of us is more on the visual side that we prioritize than the craftsmanship itself.
But for me, I see both on his collection from the double breasted jackets, coats, pleated skirts
And more. Honestly speaking, I expect more from him but this is his aesthetics this is where he
Excel that makes me put him on my PhFW Holiday 2014 Best of the Best.

See more of the Jian Lasala Collection



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